Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ataxia definition
ataxia definition

ataxia (ətăk`sÄ"ə), lack of coordination of the voluntary muscles resulting in irregular movements of the body. Ataxia can be brought on by an injury, infection, or degenerative
noun. total or partial inability to coordinate voluntary bodily movements, as in walking. Etymology: Gr, disorder < ataktos, disorderly < a-, not + taktos < tassein, arrange
Friedreich's Ataxia Did you know that Chinese herbs can easily treat Friedreich's Ataxia?
a·tax·i·a   (-t k s-) also a·tax·y (-t k s) n. Loss of the ability to coordinate muscular movement. [Greek ataxi, disorder: a-, not; see a-1 + taxis, order.
Online Medical Dictionary and glossary with medical definitions
Ataxia in common usage means unsteady gait. More Ataxia. By Kimberly Read & Marcia Purse, Updated: July 17, 2007. Health's Disease and Condition
Ataxia is the shaky and unsteady movements that result from the brain's failure to regulate the body's posture and the
ataxia also ataxy n. Loss of the ability to coordinate muscular movement. [Greek ataxiā , disorder : a- , not; see aâ€" + taxis , order.] ataxic
ataxia /atax·ia/ (ah-tak´se-ah) failure of muscular coordination; irregularity of muscular action.atac´ticatax´ic. Bruns' frontal ataxia   a disturbance of equilibrium and

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