Thursday, March 12, 2009

Madoff sentencing
madoff sentencing

Bernard Madoff has pleaded guilty to all 11 charges in the largest fraud case in Wall Street history. The former New York money manager is accused of stealing billions of dollars
Life in prison. Life in prison. That is the bleak prospect facing accused mega-Wall Street scammer Bernard Madoff, according to federal sentencing guidelines, if he is
He also noted that the government has not entered into any agreement with Madoff about his plea or sentencing and that the filing of the charges does not end the matter.
Judge Chin also set Madoff's sentencing hearing for June 16. Madoff, 70, arrived at court Thursday as crowds of onlookers and news crews gathered to watch the former head of an
Investors Defrauded By Madoff Look To Others For Recompense
He also noted that the government has not entered into any agreement with Madoff about his plea or sentencing and that the filing of the charges do not end the matter.
to victims, forfeiture of ill-gotten gains and criminal fines.</p><p>He also noted that the government has not entered into any agreement with Madoff about his plea or sentencing

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