Saturday, March 7, 2009


The Film The incredible, untold story of Aleut Americans' decades-long struggle for human and civil rights. Past & Present Historical timeline, rare documents, archival and
Aleut: People of the Aleutian Chain. Aleutian/Pribilof Islands Association. Museum of the Aleutians. Introduction to the Aleut - National Museum of Natural History
Member of an Arctic people who settled the Aleutian Islands in the north Pacific, between Russia and Alaska, around 2500â€"1000 BC. The Aleut have two linguistic subgroups: the
More on this culture. The Aleut today. Credits: A leut Hunter. Aleut men honored the sea mammal spirits by wearing highly decorated hunting costumes.
Aleut (əl t`, ăl`Ä" t'), native inhabitant of the Aleutian Islands and W Alaska. Like the Eskimo Eskimo (ĕs`kəmō), a general term used to refer to a number of groups
An overview of the Unangan/Unangas language. Alaska Native Languages Unangax̂ . Unangax̂ (Aleut) is one branch of the Eskimo-Aleut language family.
Alaska Native Regional Corporation with businesses in Government Contracting, Fuel Sales, Real estate and Trust Management
A·leut   (-l t, l-t) n. pl. Aleut or A·leuts. 1. a. A Native American people inhabiting the Aleutian Islands and coastal areas of southwest Alaska.

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